How to Tell if You’re a Natural Born Gardening Perfectionist


For most of us, gardening is a relaxing hobby. It is an opportunity to spend time outdoors in gentle exercise as we tend our patch and coax plants into bloom. Others are natural born gardening perfectionists – the need for order and perfection are paramount and nothing will stop them from the completing a task at hand!

Read on to see how many gardening perfectionist traits you have.

1. You believe deadheading roses is a daily task.

2. You spend your lunch money on ‘potted colour’ plants.

3. You devote the days before an overseas holiday to gardening rather than packing.

4. You secretly scan your friends’ social media accounts for flaws in their gardens.

5. You garden at dusk regardless of how many mosquitoes are out.

6. You plait the wilted leaves of your bulb plants to make them prettier until lifting day.

7. You mark on the calendar when you pruned the rose bushes and the date they will bloom.

8. You can’t bear to see shoe imprints on your garden beds.

9. You run your team of helpers like a commanding officer, regardless of their ages.

10. You respond to compliments about your garden by pointing out its faults.

11. You constantly replace underperforming plants to get that fresh-from-the-garden-centre look.

12. You have lost countless hours obsessing over garden ideas on Pinterest.

13. You feel embarrassed when your plants have pests or diseases.

14. You believe a defined edge is more important than a hot meal.

15. You search online for a specific colour of compost bin.

16. You measure the soil temperature with a garden thermometer.

17. You measured the soil temperature with the family’s thermometer when no one was looking.

18. You use your security spotlights to keep working past nightfall.

19. You always, always double dig your garden beds.

20. You use a string line to trim your hedges straight.

21. You buy an extra seed pack so that you are certain to fill all 24 cells in the seed tray.

22. You phone gardening talk back shows to give the hosts tips and advice.

23. You are obsessed with shoes – because gumboots, clogs and wellies all count as shoes.

24. You expect 24 traits in this quiz. Not 23.